Last Bronx

STORY:  Last Bronx is set in a alternate version of post-Japanese bubble Tokyo, where crime and gang warfare is rampant.

Last Bronx character selection screen.

Last Bronx, also known as Tokyo Bangaichi in Japan, is a 3D fighter developed by Sega-AM3 on the Sega Model 2 arcade board. Last Bronx was actually one of the first 3D fighting games to use motion captured animation (Soul Edge being the other pioneer in the field). Last Bronx features 9 playable characters — each fighter using their own weapon and martial arts style.

Hey, at least they're fighting on streets...

Last Bronx
uses a similar 3-button system to Sega's famed Virtua Fighter series (punch button, kick button, guard button). Characters also have access to rolling moves, throws, and attack cancels (by hitting guard while attacking). Certain button combinations are used for special moves, combinations, and even taunts. The stages are set in various closed areas of Tokyo City, without any ring outs. However, fighters can jump onto the barriers, which can result in a ring out.

Last Bronx has lots of cool throw animations.

Overall, the gameplay of Last Bronx isn't quite as smooth or polished as some of the top 3D fighters from the time period... Sega's own Virtua Fighter 2 and Fighting Vipers, for example. Even so, Last Bronx has some interesting characters, cool animations, and was ambitious with what it tried to do. In retrospect, it seems like Last Bronx was an early (modern) attempt to do what Soul Calibur eventually did for the fighting game genre. 

The animation of Last Bronx was decent for the time, but clearly had some awkward rough edges, notably on some characters' default stances and certain normal moves. To seasoned fighting game players in 1996 who played all the "best" 2D and 3D fighting games... Last Bronx felt and looked a bit underwhelming in some areas — but still had heart and entertainment value. There are definitely some cool looking throws and combos... and the characters and setting is simply "cool". (Too bad Sega didn't release a more polished sequel or two.)










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Last Updated: July 2nd, 2024
Developer(s): Sega-AM3
Publisher(s): Sega
Platform(s): Arcade, Sega Saturn, PlayStation 2, Windows
Release Date(s): 1996       Arcade
       PS2 - in Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 24
Characters Yusaku Kudo, Joe Inagaki, Saburo Zaimoku, Toru Kurosawa, Nagi Hojo, Hiroshi Tomiie, Lisa Kusanami, Yoko Kono, Ken Kono

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Featured Video:

Related Games: Fighting Vipers, Fighting Vipers 2, Fighters Megamix, Virtua Fighter, Virtua Fighter Remix, Virtua Fighter 2, Virtua Fighter Kids, Virtua Fighter 3, Tobal No. 1, Tekken 2, Tekken 3, Soul Blade, Soul Calibur, Bushido Blade, Battle Arena Toshinden, Battle Arena Toshinden 2, Battle Arena Toshinden 3, Groove On Fight, Urban Reign

Gameplay Engine  6.0 / 10
Story / Theme  6.5 / 10
Overall Graphics  7.0 / 10
Animation  8.0 / 10
Music / Sound Effects  6.0 / 10
Innovation  7.5 / 10
Art Direction  8.0 / 10
Customization  5.0 / 10
Options / Extras  5.0 / 10
Intro / Presentation  4.0 / 10
Replayability / Fun  5.5 / 10
"Ouch" Factor  8.0 / 10
Characters  6.5 / 10

 6.7 / 10

 Review based on Arcade version     


Final Words:

Last Bronx was an early 3D weapon based fighting game, and an honest attempt at that. Although I didn't play it much of it (I manly stuck to Virtua Fighter and Fighting Vipers when it came to Sega fighters)... I'm sure there were more a few Last Bronx fans out there when the game launched. Last Bronx was, at the very least, an interesting and attractive Saturn exclusive 3D fighting game.

Last Bronx seemed ahead of its time. If given the chance, the slightly generic, under-developed characters might've evolved to compete with the best the fighting genre had to offer around 1997. Sadly, there was never a sequel to Last Bronx. The characters of Last Bronx still show off some pretty impressive and even innovative weapon fighting styles for a 3D fighter. The downside is... the roster of Last Bronx is a bit small compared to many other fighting games at the time.

I briefly played the arcade version back in '96-'97. At the time, the gameplay didn't hold my interest for long. Indeed, the unrefined gameplay engine might be one of the main reasons the game never took off. Even so, Last Bronx was still an early pioneer for 3D weapon-based fighting games... soon to be succeeded by Namco's smash hit in 1998, SoulCalibur.

~TFG Webmaster | @Fighters_Gen  

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