Ukyo Tachibana



Ukyo is a handsome warrior and an expert Iai swordsman, and uses the "drying pole" as his weapon. But he has a very frail body and his lungs are poised with a sickness. He suffers from the disease Tuberculosis (which is why he carries apples with him). He holds certain feelings towards Odagiri Kei. He searches for the perfect flower to give to her. He helped Haohmaru defeat Amakusa and was able to gain a flower during the battle. But the flower he gained wasn't the perfect flower. He hears about the perfect flower growing at the center of Makai. He heads to Makai to try to find this flower but was unable to obtain it. Eventually, Kei gets married to her fiance. Ukyo is based off of Sasaki Kojiro, the arch-rival of Miyamoto Musashi.

Ukyo blesses this marriage and prays that Kei would be happy. A few years later, Ukyo's sickness gets worse. He then meets a woman, Osaki, who also has the same sickness as him. Osaki also looks identical to Kei. This makes Ukyo want to at least save Osaki's life. He goes off to search for a cure to the sickness. After searching throughout Japan and Makai, he finds a cure that would save one person. He has Haohmaru give the cure to Osaki to save her.
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Samurai Shodown


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Samurai Shodown 2, Samurai Shodown 3, Samurai Shodown 4, Samurai Shodown 5, Samurai Shodown 5 Special, Samurai Shodown 6, Samurai Shodown 64, Samurai Shodown 64: Warriors RAge, Samurai Shodown Sen, Samurai Shodown: Pocket, Samurai Shodown: Pocket 2, Card Fighters Clash, Card Fighters Clash 2, Card Fighters Clash DS



Page Updated:  Nov. 22nd, 2014

The "quiet and calm" fighter personality has never been done quite so well. As one of the originals, Ukyo is one of the coolest characters in the Samurai Shodown series for that very reason.

Ukyo's traditional samurai attire is simple, but his mysterious charisma, cool in-game mannerisms, and badass fighting style really make a statement. I always thought his default color scheme is kinda "bright," but it does help him to stand out as an recognizable design. Worth mentioning, he has some much more suiting (and badass) alternate color schemes... my personal favorites are the "all black" and "all white" versions a la SS4. Overall, Ukyo is an unforgettable fighting game character and definitely one of the best characters to come out of Samurai Shodown. Be warned.... No apple is safe.

Fighting  Style  /  Moveset
Personality  /  Charisma
Outfit(s)  /  Appearance
Effectiveness  in  series
Overall Score

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Ukyo Animations