When Rugal
Bernstein was trying to channel Orochi's
power, Goenitz came
to him and attacked him, taking off his eye. Rugal survived the attack and
Goenitz gave him some extent of power and warned him not to use his full
power. Goenitz left Mature
and Vice to watch him. In KOF
'94, Rugal sponsored the King of Fighters tournament but lost to Kyo
Kusanagi. He returned the following year and decided to use 80% of his
full power. Even with that power, Rugal lost to Kyo, Benimaru
Nikaido and Goro
Daimon. With hatred in his heart, he activated his full power, but it was
too much for his body to withstand and he exploded from inside.
In the Capcom VS SNK 2 storyline, Rugal becomes "God Rugal"
(or "Ultimate Rugal") after he defeats Akuma
in the tournament finals. Invigorated from gaining Akuma's powers, he decides
to test his new found strength on the winners of the tournament. If the player
defeats him, Rugal will be overwhelmed by the Hado power, which creates an
entirely new entity (or possibly an entity merged with Shin
