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Noob Smoke



Noob Saibot and Smoke are the sub-bosses of Mortal Kombat: Deception, fighting as a team under the name of Noob-Smoke. Uninterested in the events that occurred in Deadly Alliance, Saibot found Smoke in Shao Kahn's abandoned fortress and reactivated his nanotechnology. Noob Saibot reprogrammed Smoke to only serve him and formed plans to create an army of cyber-demons, using Smoke as a template.


Mortal Kombat: Deception






Page Updated:  July 27th, 2024

Back when Mortal Kombat: Deception came out, my fighting game friends at the time all unanimously agreed that "Noob Smoke" sounded stupid. Most of them stopped playing MK: Deception in week one, but I actually bought the game and gave it a chance. Surprisingly, Noob Smoke turned out to be one of the coolest characters in the game... functioning as a "team". This character was pretty ahead of its time.

Noob Smoke has all the best-looking and coolest combos in MK: Deception, and I'd say the game is worth playing partly due to this character's existence. However, I still can't say I recommend MK: Deception.

Fighting  Style  /  Moveset
Personality  /  Charisma
Outfit(s)  /  Appearance
Effectiveness  in  series
Overall Score


Noob Smoke Animations