Gear X

Less than a year later reports of
a newly discovered commander Gear surfaced. Fearing the dawn of another war, the
United Nations held a tournament, offering 500,000 World Dollars for the
destruction of the Gear. The Gear was a girl named Dizzy,
who, while very powerful, lacked a desire for war and unnecessary destruction.
She was defeated but her life spared by Sol
Badguy. Soon, though, she was found by Ky Kiske,
the charismatic police chief of the United Nations and ex-chief of the Sacred
Order of Holy Knights. He entrusted her care to Johnny, leader of the Jellyfish
air pirates, who welcomed her as one of their own. Jam
Kuradoberi, a bounty hunter and struggling
chef, claimed credit for Dizzy's disappearance so she could collect the reward
and finance her restaurant.
Gear X character select screen (Dreamcast).
Gear X isn't simply a sequel, it's an entirely new game compared to its PS1
predecessor. Presenting some
of the largest and most impressive 2D sprites ever seen in a fighting
game (or video game for that matter), GGX certainly makes quite a
statement as a 2D fighter in the year 2000. GGX's presentation is complete with a badass
anime intro, a wild metal-driven soundtrack, top notch voice acting, and
stylized high-res graphics from start to finish. GGX was surely one of the best looking fighting
games of the time, and also a very original fighter in terms of how its played.
new era of "large" 2D sprites begins...
Guilty Gear X
definitely isn't your
typical 2D fighting game.... The characters and gameplay
can be described as "unorthodox" or "off-the-wall," which is
clearly the inspiration behind Arc System Works design direction. This unusual,
and "extreme" take on
the traditional fighting game engine really allows Guilty Gear to stand out from the crowd.
Although Guilty
Gear X borrows the obvious framework from Capcom's and SNK's iconic 2D
fighters, the control scheme and style of gameplay is almost completely
different than your traditional 2D fighter.
The dynamic and fast-paced
gameplay system features Air Dashing, Overdrive Attacks, Instant Kills,
Faultless Defense, Roman Cancels, and Dead Angle Attacks. I could go and explain
every one of those gameplay elements, but that would take more paragraphs
than I'm willing to write.
To sum it up, each characters super meter or "Tension" gauge can be
used for several different techniques, but is usually saved to unleash those
devastating super moves or overdrive combos. The instant kill moves are quite
entertaining if you can manage to pull them off, although they can cause a bit of unbalance in
high level play. If I could nitpick anything, I'd say the "2-button
sweep" is a bit annoying and unnecessary.
Kiske dreaming about dolphins.
Once again, Guilty Gear X's visuals made
a pretty big impact when the game first arrived in arcades (and on consoles,
especially)! The animation can be described as
"anime style"... in other words, frame counts are kept low, but
sprites have excellent and stylish key-frames, animating impressively where it counts. However, some
characters animations could move a bit
more fluidly... especially when comparing them to what I consider "the best" 2D fighting
game animation out there. To put it bluntly, as an "animation
appreciator", the overall quality of Guilty Gear X's animation doesn't
quite match up to the fluidity of Capcom's Street Fighter III series...
(a fair and understandable compromise
for the larger sprites, I suppose). Even so, GGX's exciting and
intriguing animation
brings justice
to the oddball character designs and catchy aesthetic of the title. A must-own,
must play during the PS2 / Dreamcast era, I'd say. The colorful, diverse and dynamic fighters of
the Guilty Gear X roster must be seen dueling in some of the flashiest and most intense battles you'll
see in any fighting game.
Page Updated: |
18th, 2024 |
Developer(s): |
Arc System Works |
Publisher(s): |
Sammy Corporation |
Designer(s): |
Daisuke Ishiwatari
Platform(s): |
Dreamcast, PS2, Game Boy Advance, Windows '95
Release Date(s): |
July 2000
Dec. 14th, 2000
Sept. 30th, 2001
PS2 |
Characters: |
Badguy, Ky Kiske, Millia
Chipp Zanuff,
Jam Kuradoberi,
Potemkin, Faust, Axl
Anji Mito,
Featured Video:
Related Games: |
Guilty Gear XX, Guilty
Gear X2 #Reload, Guilty Gear XX Slash,
Guilty Gear, Guilty
Gear X Advance,
Guilty Gear Isuka, Guilty
Gear Judgment, Guilty Gear XX Accent Core, Guilty
Gear XX Accent Core Plus R, Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN-,
Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR-, Guilty
Gear Xrd REV 2, Guilty Gear -STRIVE-, BlazBlue:
Calamity Trigger, Hokuto
No Ken, Sengoku Basara X
8.5 / 10
/ Theme
9.0 / 10
9.5 / 10
8.5 / 10
/ Sound Effects
8.5 / 10
9.5 / 10
Art Direction
10 / 10
8.0 / 10
Options / Extras
8.0 / 10
Intro / Presentation
9.5 / 10
Replayability / Fun
7.5 / 10
"Ouch" Factor
7.0 / 10
8.5 / 10
8.9 /
Review based on PS2
Words: |
While most of the
"staple" nuances you'd expect from a 2D fighting game are present, Guilty
Gear X managed to introduce elements that no other 2D fighters had at the
time. Due to its originality and unorthodox character designs, GGX undoubtedly
caught the attention of many casual and even "non" 2D fighting game
while offering a brand new flavor to seasoned players.
I remember initially being very impressed with GGX when I
first got my hands on it... but for me, the game just didn't have the lasting appeal that
other (more traditional) 2D fighting games had at the time. I could tell GGX
had bark and
bite however... boasting a fighting system that's easy to pick
up and play but very difficult to master - like any good fighting game.
The intriguing characters are no doubt the main draw of the series, and are
definitely some of the wildest and most intricately designed
fighting game characters to date. The best part is, if you have any previous
experience with other famed 2D fighters... there's most likely a GGX character or two
that you'll find to your liking.
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