Polnareff & Benimaru

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SNK declared themselves that they loosely based Benimaru Nikaido off of Jean Pierre Polnareff from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. The similarities are too obvious, especially if we're talking about "early" Benimaru. When Benimaru debuted, he even wore the same "single strap" tight shirt that Polnaref wears. A few years later, Benimaru started wearing some different outfits, which slightly distanced the likeness to Polnareff. besides the fact that they fight completely differently. Finally, their likeness is strictly visual... because they fight nothing alike.


K' & Setsuna

Lets do the math.... Silver hair... tan skin... evil/cool personality... snazzy outfit. They must be related somewhere on the SNK family tree. Even so, I'm calling this one a coincidence because they are also very different.


Lion Rafale & Sie Kensou


Lion and Kensou share nearly the same exact fighting stance, hairstyle, and their outfits are strikingly similar as well. Virtua Fighter 2 was a huge game in 1994 arcades, and it would seem that SNK was inspired by Lion's design when they debuted the "new" Kensou in The King of Fighters '95. In fairness, their actual fighting styles are very different, and both of their outfits are "basic"... so there's also a chance it was all a coincidence.


M. Bison & Brocken

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Everybody knows Bison came first in the fighting game world. The original "Brocken" did appear as a character in Ultimate Muscle before Bison came around, but the Brocken in World Heroes was still commonly known as a "rip-off" of Bison among arcade goers in the 90's.


Tiger Jackson, Mr. Jones & Tony Umeda

Not only the fro and the bright-ass clothing, but they're all wearing sunglasses dammit! These guys apparently didn't get the memo about disco being dead. I don't think the companies copied each other's designs in this case, but more-so, used the 70's guy stereotype.


Adon, Joe, Shura & Bruce

Muay Thai is a very popular martial art, so naturally there are quite a few "traditional" Muay Thai fighters in fighting games. Just to set the record straight, Adon was "the first" to appear in a fighting game. That doesn't make any of the other characters rip-offs though. And the only reason Sagat isn't here is because he's bald... Baldy. lol.


Aoi, Hokuto & Kasumi

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Enter Aikido, yet another traditional martial art... and for some reason, cute girls with long, dark hair prefer this style. Worth pointing out, Hokuto's color scheme and outfit is nearly a replica of Kasumi's... and then in SFEX2, Hokuto's resembles Aoi's! Coincidence? Who knows. It's a tough call, but since Hakama is standard attire in several Japanese martial arts, I'm calling coincidence on this one.


Zangief & Chang

It's all in the beard. Zangief made the manly beard popular in SF2. To anyone who previously played SF2, Chang might appear like a poor man's Zangief. In fairness, they are very different... but I'm pretty sure SNK was looking at a few pictures of Zangief when they were designing Chang.


Kyosuke Kagami & Iori Yagami


You might not see it right away, but let's take a closer look: 

1. Both have a long sleeve jacket with gold buttons. 
2. Both comb their hair forward.
3. Kyosuke has a black undershirt while Iori has a white undershirt.
4. Their fighting stances are somewhat similar.
5. Their last names rhyme... Kagami / Yagami.
6. Both have "dynamic" hand positions during their stance and attacks, and commonly strike with open hands.

Nonetheless, they're both unique designs, but I think Capcom might've had Iori in mind when they designed Kyosuke. However, it could be a pure coincidence... and a big one since they eventually appeared in the same game.


Dudley, Boman & Seth

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All three of them are big, African American, have a small amount of hair on top of their heads, and have snazzy suits. Ohh... and I'm pretty sure Boman is wearing suspenders underneath his jacket too. Nonetheless, all 3 of these guys are cool designs and fight differently for the most part. Hey... at least only 2 out of 3 of them are boxers. lol.

   Continue to Part 6


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