

Golba was one of the sons of Lesphia's king. He had attempted a coup d'etat after his brother became the chosen to be the rightful heir. After he failed, he was sent into exile and came to America. He joined and became an officer in the American army and eventually became a veteran of the Independence War. His participation in this war made him believe that creation of such powerful nation can become a threat to Europe. Desiring to protect his country and strengthen its military force, he seeks to conquer all of Europe.

Due to the comrades he made during the war, he has personal and influential connections around the world. During this time, he formed an assassin organization of which Angelica is a member. He uses this group to kill his niece's parents during their sea voyage in an attempt to claim Suzu's sword, a symbol of one's right to rule Lesphia. Unable to obtain it, he returns to America to use his military connections to weaken countries around the world and schemes to possibly use Suzu as a bargaining chip against his homeland. Seeking a strong military commander to rule his Lesphia army, he opted to recruit and lure certain strong warriors as well.


Samurai Shodown Sen




Page Updated:  March 21st, 2014

The idea of a modernized samurai facing off against more traditional samurai has always been a cool concept. In that way, Golba naturally fits as a convincing villain. His one-handed sword style is somewhat stiff & boring overall, but he has a few cool attacks at least.

Fighting  Style  /  Moveset
Personality  /  Charisma
Outfit(s)  /  Appearance
Effectiveness  in  series
Overall Score