Jenny Burtory



Only a handful of people in the world know that Jenny Burtory lives the secret life of a special operations spy. At one time, she worked for the government for millions of dollars. Now, even as a freelance spy, the few organizations and powers that know about her seek her help constantly. Jenny takes on assignments as she pleases - some for millions of dollars and others for nothing. This type of whimsical behavior and the fact that her past is shrouded in secret (how she became a top spy, no one knows) makes her an even more mysterious character.

One day, Jenny is called to meet another man of mystery - Gado. At his request, they meet in the room of a first-class, historic hotel. Though as a rule Jenny doesn't accept personal requests for work, she is willing to make an exception for the man she is much indegbted to.

Gado hires Jenny to search out a list of people and escort them to a secret meeting place. Every name on the list is a person with beast abilities, but who lives in hiding - their beast abilities are kept secret from the world. As Jenny scanned the list, she recognized some of the names and wondered if Gado knew...

Bloody Roar 2


Bloody Roar 3, Bloody Roar: Primal Fury, Bloody Roar 4



Page Updated:  June 7th, 2024

If I had to choose a favorite Bloody Roar character... it's Jenny. Her simple hairstyle is cool, her outfit is cool, and she can turn into an evil sexy bat creature... I'm cool with that. Her human appearance seems slightly inspired by Tekken's Anna Williams, perhaps... and I'm also cool with that. Heh! She's got style.

There are some cool visual elements to Jenny's moveset design, and she executes them swiftly. Unlike some other Bloody Roar characters, there's not much "awkwardness" about her design. In fact, Jenny's cool appearance and abilities seem "ahead of her time" (as Kazuya from the Tekken series inherited her in-game transforming abilities). Jenny is one of the better designs of Bloody Roar, by far. If only others Bloody Roar characters were as cool as her. I like Jenny's original Bloody Roar 2 attire the most. Jenny's BR3 costume seems slightly overdone... but again, is more interesting than others in the game / series.

Fighting  Style  /  Moveset
Personality  /  Charisma
Outfit(s)  /  Appearance
Effectiveness  in  series
Overall Score