Dasher Inoba
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Inoba is a prominent wrestler and a disciple of Karl Schneider, the founder of EHRGEIZ. He is also a member of the EHRGEIZ supervising committee. With the recent death of his master, Inoba discovers a note left behind by the late Schneider which suggests that he had been investigating the connection between the stone embedded within the EHRGEIZ and the ancient ruins. Ever since laying eyes upon the mystical stone, Inoba has been fascinated by its presence. Compounded by his urge to obtain the stone and to uncover the mystery behind his master's investigation, he is determined to get his hands on the legendary weapon.


Ehrgeiz: God Bless The Ring





Page Updated:  Apr. 30th, 2024

Inoba is a pretty generic-looking wrestler design at first glance... but he may be a tribute to several Japanese wrestlers. That funny face and haircut of his is pretty memorable, too. In a way, the dude's simplicity (in the era he debuted) kinda makes him stand out in Ehrgeiz and even the fighting game world. Inoba is kinda cool... if you like pro-wrestling.

Fighting  Style  /  Moveset
Personality  /  Charisma
Outfit(s)  /  Appearance
Effectiveness  in  series
Overall Score