

A 16 year old elite student of the Ma jolle Royal Acadamy of Priests, Cedric embarks on a journey with Marco. He has strong defense, and prefers to keep his enemies at a distance in battle.


Battle Fantasia





Page Updated:  Sept. 15th, 2013

Substitute the word "priests" for "wizards" in his official storyline above... and what do you get, Mr. Potter? (That was my Snape impression.) I really don't think Battle Fantasia needed this design. A kid in shorty shorts and a priest top? How boring. And, to state the obvious, he doesn't look like a fighting game character. I think they could've come up with a better "Cleric" design than this guy.

On the bright side, I suppose Cedric can be a somewhat fun character to use... his moveset isn't completely terrible and has its moments.

Fighting  Style  /  Moveset
Personality  /  Charisma
Outfit(s)  /  Appearance
Effectiveness  in  series
Overall Score